Next Movement PA CultureCheck participants

Diving into the PA CultureCheck

By Abby Rolland The days when The Presser Foundation hosts its Next Movement Idea Forum are some of my favorites. Getting to meet, plan, and curate an event with others – whether they be music organizations that the Foundation supports, companies that can provide services or assistance to nonprofits, or regional, membership organizations that conduct…

A young composer writing notes

Embracing Music Education and Composition in Philadelphia

By Sepehr Pirasteh Philadelphia is home to a vibrant music scene, enriched by organizations such as Wildflower Composers, Play On Philly, as well as collaborations like All-City Orchestra’s partnership with Network for New Music. These programs have made significant strides in nurturing young composers by offering them platforms to explore and express their creativity. As…

Trustee Peter Burwasser

Trustee Spotlight: Peter Burwasser

This is one in a series of blog posts featuring each one of The Presser Foundation’s Board and Committee members. These individuals come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences but have one trait in common – they love music. Keep an eye out on the series to learn more about each member, their background,…