A GEGISOM student playing piano.

Spotlight on: GEGISOM

Image: A GEGISOM student playing piano. Pulled from reports written by Dr. Joyce Drayton, organized by Abby Rolland* As part of The Presser Foundation’s drive to be more transparent and to amplify the work of its partners, it uses information from grant reports to highlight its grantees. Each post will spotlight one partner, who has…

Sepehr Pirasteh

Reflecting on the Fellowship

By Sepehr Pirasteh Being a composer can feel a bit like living in an artist’s cave. We spend countless hours absorbed in our own creative worlds, meticulously crafting something that eventually blossoms into art. However, my fellowship at The Presser Foundation pushed me to crack the walls of my creative isolation, forcing me to step…

Intern Chris Dolich working at The Presser Foundation

A summer of learning at The Presser Foundation

Summer intern Chris Dolich working at the Foundation. By Chris Dolich, The Presser Foundation Summer Intern For music performance students, there is a great deal of uncertainty, but also opportunity, regarding post-graduation career and employment opportunities. As a jazz performance student at the Frost School of Music, I decided to apply for the summer internship…