Our Mission
The Presser Foundation provides philanthropic support for music and music education, in keeping with the Will of its founder, Theodore Presser. We work to fund the musical arts in their many dimensions and manifestations, while striving to serve a broad and diverse community of musicians, educators, and music lovers.
About Us
Passionate about music, Theodore Presser wanted to give back to it. When he died in 1925, he had been widowed twice without any children. The bulk of his fortune was left to The Presser Foundation, which was formally established 14 years after his death. From 1995 to June 2021, The Presser Foundation gave more than $80 million to music organizations, undergraduate and graduate music students, and retired music teachers.
Originally, the Foundation sought to promote the causes of musical education and musical philanthropy by providing scholarships for promising students, supporting the construction of buildings for music organizations, and directing aid to retired music teachers.
Over time, the Foundation has evolved to support a broad array of music genres, expand its grantmaking areas, convene its nonprofit partners at special events, and collaborate with fellow funders, while continuing to follow the original intent and wishes of Theodore Presser.
Our Values
We pledge to serve as responsible stewards advancing the art of music and continuing the legacy of Theodore Presser with passion, integrity, and respect.