The Presser Foundation grantee AMLA, a music education organization

Classical Music isn’t Dead! But it’s not Flourishing Either… Part III

The Presser Foundation grantee Artistas y Músicos Latino Americanos (AMLA), a music education organization It’s Not Music Education’s Fault. By Daniel Jackson, Graduate Music Fellow  While public school music education is important for exposing young children to and fostering an understanding of classical music, it cannot reverse the genre’s significant decline in cultural relevance. Historically,…

open door policy

Having an open door policy

In a guest blog post written for Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, staff discussed transparency, why it matters in the work of philanthropy, and how it is manifested at The Presser Foundation. Here, we seek to add another concept related to transparency that has been practiced for the past ten years at the Foundation – having…

A magnifying glass increasing transparency of words on paper.

An update on transparency

By Abby Rolland When I started working at The Presser Foundation two years ago, part of my mission and my responsibility was to increase the level of transparency in the Foundation’s external communications. This work included a great deal of effort at the beginning (and continuous monitoring and updating now). At the time, it involved…

Funding supporting organizations

The supporting organizations that The Presser Foundation supports. From top left clockwise: Penn Live Arts, Temple Music Prep, Chester Children’s Chorus, Zoellner Arts Center, Rowan Community Music School, WRTI By Abby Rolland The Presser Foundation seeks to serve a number of different types of music organizations creating, performing, presenting, and educating. To do so means…

Supporting fiscally sponsored organizations

By Abby Rolland According to recent statistics, there are approximately 1.54 million nonprofits in the U.S. Nonprofit structure can take many forms. There is, of course, the traditional and well-known 501(c)(3) public charity – in 2016, approximately 2/3 of all registered nonprofits were classified as public charities. Then, there are organizations who are 501(c)(4)s (civic…

a person working on a document

Changing applications and reports

By Abby Rolland As part of The Presser Foundation’s goal to best serve our partners, we review and adapt our applications and reports every year based on current circumstances and trends. Research and best practice in the foundation space recommends that applications and reports are simple and straightforward so that nonprofits spend less time answering…