For three years, The Presser Foundation has hosted a graduate music student fellowship where the Fellow attends and writes about grantee performances/programs. This work increases the Foundation’s transparency, amplifies grantee partners, and gives the Fellow the opportunity to learn about music organizations, connect with leaders in the field, and contribute to the Foundation’s grantmaking decisions.
Daniel Jackson, the third Fellow, is pursuing a PhD in Music Education at Temple University. Jackson has attended a variety of performances, sharing his knowledge and experience with the Foundation and learning about the work of grantees. As the Foundation seeks to hire its next Fellow for the 2025-26 year, Jackson sat down to shares his experiences and his advice for future Fellows.
Tell us about yourself.
What interested you in the Fellowship?
What has your experience been like thus far?
How has the Fellowship contributed to your professional goals?
What have you learned about the work of the Foundation?
How have you contributed to advancing the Foundation’s mission?
What has been your favorite part of the Fellowship?
What advice do you have for a graduate student who is considering applying for the Fellowship?