Introduction & Purpose

The program is designed to encourage and support in a special way the advanced education and career of truly exceptional graduate music students who have the potential to make a distinguished contribution to the field of music.
The Award is a cash stipend of up to $10,000, which is made available to a graduate student designated by the institution, provided that the institution agrees to the terms of participation and based upon receipt by the Foundation of a suitable plan prepared by the nominated recipient for use of the money. The amount of the award varies from year to year based on the number of graduate institutions.
The recipient is first nominated to The Presser Foundation by the executive head of the music school or by a committee, utilizing judgments of faculty members able to gauge the relative merits of currently enrolled students who will be returning for further study next year.
In 2023-24, 4% of The Presser Foundation’s distributed funds ($150,000/$3.43 million) went to Graduate Music Awards.
The Why
In honor of Mr. Presser’s commitment to furthering his music studies, The Presser Foundation established the Graduate Music Award to support unique music projects designed to enhance the field and/or the student’s understanding of the field.
The recipient of the Presser Graduate Music Award shall be a returning graduate student who has demonstrated superb musical talent with emphasis in one or more of these areas: performance, composition, musicology, music education.
The Presser Graduate Music Award is to be paid to the chosen Award recipient in cash or check and must be in addition to and NOT replace existing music scholarship support from the institution. It is not to be applied towards tuition, housing costs, and other expenses normally incurred in pursuit of a degree. Rather, it is a supplement for enrichment and musical advancement and is intended to afford to the Award recipient opportunities that are not normally provided in a university or conservatory setting. The Presser Foundation also requests that applications NOT include expenses associated with applying to and auditioning at other graduate schools of music for further study.
The student nominated shall submit to The Presser Foundation a written statement indicating how the Award, if granted, would be used in furtherance of his or her musical education and career. To indicate the Foundation’s intent, the following are illustrative examples of previous approved projects:
- Commission, perform and record works composed by people of color
- Jazz quintet recording project and CD release tour
- Travel abroad to research composer for doctoral thesis and lecture recital
The Foundation seeks applications that are imaginative as well as practical and will make clear how use of the stipend will enhance the student’s professional development.
A: No, institutions are invited to be a part of this program by the Foundation’s Scholar Award Committee.
Q: I’m an accredited college, university, or independent institution of higher education who has received the Graduate Music Award before. Do I need to apply for the award again?
A: No, you do not need to apply for the Award again. The Foundation will send you reminders for “follow-ups” or reports that are due throughout the year.
Q: I’m the new point person for The Presser Foundation Graduate Music award. How do I login to complete follow-ups/reporting or begin a new grant?
A: Please contact Rachael Gartner at, and we will help get you set up!
Each selected student has the potential to make a distinguished contribution to the field of music and each of their projects illustrates the breadth and depth of the study of music. Click on the stories below to dive deeper into featured projects.
Jonathan Schneider: Pedals & perspectives: Redefining my harp journey in Europe (2022-23)
Badie Khalegian: Integrating Art and Activism (2022-23)
Jack Thorpe: Commissioning New Music to Cultivate Social Change (2021-22)
Russell Fisher: Expanding repertoire and raising awareness about the steel pan (2021-22)
Rachel Bani: Researching Gaelic songs in the Scottish Highlands (2020-21)
Abbey Young: Recording an album with the Pure Goodness Collective (2020-21)
Alissa Freeman: ||:HerClassical:||: Teaching classical music by female composers (2019-20)