Paul Robeson House

Paul Robeson House: Preserving a Legacy of Music, Activism, and Community in West Philadelphia

The multitalented Paul Robeson excelled as a vocalist, civil rights advocate, performer on stage and screen, and professional football player. Several years ago, the renovation of Robeson’s Philadelphia residence, where he spent his final decade, received seed funding through a grant from The Presser Foundation. Though historic home restoration falls outside the Foundation’s usual scope,…

Philanthropy Network of Greater Philadelphia’s Arts & Culture Community of Practice Shares Knowledge to Support Arts Organizations

In her capacity as Executive Director of The Presser Foundation, Teresa Rodgers serves as the chair of Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia’s Arts & Culture Funders Community of Practice.  This Community of Practice is where a variety of arts focused grantmakers meet to discuss support for the arts, relevant trends, and other topics related to the…

Funding supporting organizations

The supporting organizations that The Presser Foundation supports. From top left clockwise: Penn Live Arts, Temple Music Prep, Chester Children’s Chorus, Zoellner Arts Center, Rowan Community Music School, WRTI By Abby Rolland The Presser Foundation seeks to serve a number of different types of music organizations creating, performing, presenting, and educating. To do so means…

Supporting fiscally sponsored organizations

By Abby Rolland According to recent statistics, there are approximately 1.54 million nonprofits in the U.S. Nonprofit structure can take many forms. There is, of course, the traditional and well-known 501(c)(3) public charity – in 2016, approximately 2/3 of all registered nonprofits were classified as public charities. Then, there are organizations who are 501(c)(4)s (civic…

Adapting during COVID-19

By Abby Rolland Two plus years later, and the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be ebbing into an endemic. No doubt has the pandemic been devastating to nonprofits in many ways; yet there are many lessons that funders can learn. The Presser Foundation adapted its own practices and requirements during the pandemic and continues to assess…