Graduate Music Fellow Daniel Jackson

My experiences as The Presser Foundation Graduate Music Fellow

Graduate Music Fellow Daniel Jackson For three years, The Presser Foundation has hosted a graduate music student fellowship where the Fellow attends and writes about grantee performances/programs. This work increases the Foundation’s transparency, amplifies grantee partners, and gives the Fellow the opportunity to learn about music organizations, connect with leaders in the field, and contribute…

Next Movement New Music USA

Next Movement: Engaging with New Music USA

By Abby Rolland During the fall Next Movement Idea Forum, The Presser Foundation traditionally invites an external organization to share insights and explore opportunities with attendees. In 2022, DiverseForce presented its DiverseForce on Boards program, while in 2023, Candid showcased its Seals of Transparency and Demographics through various Candid programs. This year, New Music USA…

open door policy

Having an open door policy

In a guest blog post written for Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, staff discussed transparency, why it matters in the work of philanthropy, and how it is manifested at The Presser Foundation. Here, we seek to add another concept related to transparency that has been practiced for the past ten years at the Foundation – having…

The interns' final day in the office outside of the Presser Home for Retired Music Teachers.

Learning about equitable access to music

Summer intern Chris Dolich with fellow intern Kayleigh Howard outside the former Presser Home for Retired Music Teachers. By Chris Dolich, The Presser Foundation Summer Intern During my time as a summer intern at The Presser Foundation, I have been exposed to the many ways that the Board and staff strive to achieve their mission…

Intern Chris Dolich working at The Presser Foundation

A summer of learning at The Presser Foundation

Summer intern Chris Dolich working at the Foundation. By Chris Dolich, The Presser Foundation Summer Intern For music performance students, there is a great deal of uncertainty, but also opportunity, regarding post-graduation career and employment opportunities. As a jazz performance student at the Frost School of Music, I decided to apply for the summer internship…