The Power of Intergenerational Music-Making

Photo Credit: Torello Productions By Baker Purdon “Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” When famous painter Pablo Picasso said this, he critiqued the progressive stripping of creativity and freedom from a person’s life as they grow up. In an effort to solve this problem, a multi-year…

Fellow Baker Purdon. Photo by Jacob Smith Photography, Courtesy of Temple University

Learning about The Presser Foundation Fellowship

Fellow Baker Purdon. Photo by Jacob Smith Photography, Courtesy of Temple University Last year, The Presser Foundation launched a graduate music student fellowship. The Fellow attends and writes about grantee performances/programs for the Foundation’s communication platforms. This work increases the Foundation’s transparency, amplifies grantee partners, and gives the Fellow the opportunity to learn about music…

Funding supporting organizations

The supporting organizations that The Presser Foundation supports. From top left clockwise: Penn Live Arts, Temple Music Prep, Chester Children’s Chorus, Zoellner Arts Center, Rowan Community Music School, WRTI By Abby Rolland The Presser Foundation seeks to serve a number of different types of music organizations creating, performing, presenting, and educating. To do so means…

Trustee Spotlight: Dr. Rollo Dilworth

This is one in a series of blog posts featuring each one of The Presser Foundation’s Board and Committee members. These individuals come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences but have one trait in common – they love music. Keep an eye out on the series to learn more about each member, their background,…

A Tour of Regional Orchestras: Part 1

By Baker Purdon, Music Fellow History Since the inception of the United States, the American orchestra has been predominantly local in scope. Before the Civil War, most American orchestras operated within the boundaries of a single city and its immediate vicinity. They were generally either standing orchestras in local theaters, ad hoc orchestras for special…

Seeking to change the lives of students through music

Kevin Lopez received the 2021-22 Undergraduate Scholar Award from Texas Woman’s University (TWU) and applied the award funds as a scholarship. He shared his background and what the award means to him with the Foundation.    What does receiving this scholarship assistance mean to you? I am beyond appreciative to receive this scholarship assistance. As…