The Presser Foundation Awards $786,000 to Outstanding Music Scholars Nationwide
Building on last year’s significant changes, the Foundation was pleased to see substantial progress in diversifying its recipients. The 2024-25 cohort spans classical virtuosos, composers, and music therapists who have launched free music programs in nursing homes, established youth orchestras in underserved communities, and championed works by underrepresented composers. These Scholars have excelled despite formidable challenges – navigating disabilities, breaking ground as first-generation college students, and returning to academia as adult learners. Their impact extends from international competition stages to local classrooms, where they mentor emerging musicians while maintaining dean’s list academic performance.
“To be a leader, you must first learn how to follow,” reflects Yaffa Howell of Elizabeth City State University, who progressed from ensemble member to section leader and drum major. “Patience, confidence, and time management are how I put my best foot forward, even when I’m not perfect.” At California State University, Fresno, Woodwind Ambassador Shakira Delgado champions student advocacy, ensuring “the voices of woodwind students are heard and their needs are considered in departmental decision-making.” Indiana University’s Esther Jungyoon Kim bridges campus and community: “Being a responsible musician within our set setting is important, but ultimately, I strive to connect our music with the outer world.”
Presser Scholars consistently advance to distinguished careers across the music industry, becoming influential performers, educators, administrators, composers, scholars, therapists, technologists, theorists, and arts leaders. Their impact resonates throughout the field, creating lasting change in musical communities nationwide.
“The Scholar Award Committee is gratified to provide consistent support and recognition to exceptional music students across the country, who embody the characteristics of a motivated, inclusive leader and scholar in their music program and community,” says Dr. Mary Ellen Poole, Chair of the Scholar Award Committee. “We look forward to learning more about these students and their contributions to furthering the field of music as they are forever known as Presser Scholars.”
About The Presser Foundation
The Presser Foundation was established in 1939 under the will of the late Theodore Presser. It is one of the few private foundations in the United States dedicated solely to music education and music philanthropy. The Presser Foundation considers applications for funding from music organizations working in a broad range of traditions, genres, and styles through general operating and program grants (Greater Philadelphia); capital grants for music building projects (Greater Philadelphia); undergraduate and graduate student awards (national); and assistance to retired music teachers (national). The Foundation is committed to equitable, transparent, and forward-thinking philanthropy. For more information: